Tuesday, October 19, 2010

When does a change in plans become necessary??

One whole month in the forest, surviving off of nothing but water and hunted dear, I become cautious of where I sleep—paranoid! I, too, was a student at City Honors, but most of us have seemed to fade away ever since the accident, which is to blame for leaving me in the utter wilderness. My plan? I don't have one yet, however. I want to reunite with society again, so to do so I must slowly make my way to human territory. In the mornings I make a list of things to do before the sun sets. Number one, find water. Two, hunt game. Three, make a fire, and four repeat. I cautiously make my way to a river, eyeballing likely predators that come my way, then I drink. I do whatever's necessary to clean and refresh. A jackal, perched on a rock adjacent to me, stares intently, observant of my every movements —almost like it's about to attack me. I waste no time at the riverbed and quickly take my leave. The jackal seems interested in human flesh, so it followed me. I knew it was behind me, and I could NOT show any fear for it will take it as a signal to attack. I stop walking. It stops walking as well. I walk north and it follows. I turn east and it climbs a tree to get a better view of me.
            I know full well that I will not  follow through on my list of task. Now, I'll have to change my plans entirely. Instead of hunting, I have to elude. There's no time to make a fire, I'll have to make do with the cold and climb up a tree to sleep. And instead of repeating the steps, I'll have to be paranoid--again! Yes, there is a change in plans, but, nonetheless, I'll still make it to my destination. The jackal soon jumps down from the tree and in front of me. I look past it, but frozen in terror. It circles around me feeling anxious. Probably thinking, "Ooo! What does human taste like?" When the jackal seem to have lost interest in me, I dashed down a clear path. The jackal ran after me, this time ready to attack.
            I wouldn’t blame the jackal for wanting to eat me, I would probably eat him. I'm starving and stranded. What do you expect?  I take out a weapon I carved out of wood, but it breaks on me. So, I have to use my hands. The jackal jumps up and scars me on the face. I then return the blow  by using my rough, scratched hands to destroy its wind pipe. The jackal runs away after seeing the power I had ( I expected more from this animal). I lost a huge amount of time in the day, so I could not fulfill my list. I guess I'll have to get use to the cold every now and then.

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