Monday, October 25, 2010

Techniques to help out a Teacher

1. Play games related to topic
2. Be entertaining
3. Combine 1 and 2
4. Slow down when teaching
5. Develop different ways to approach the still-don't-get-it students.
6. Give out specific problems for homework
7. Go over hard homework problems in class
8. Make students get involved. ( i.e. make students go up to the board, participate in discussions, etc.)
9. Form groups -- 2 minds are better than 1.
10. Offer tutoring during lunch or in the mornings
11. Give students treats when they get the answer right ( That'll make the other pay attention!)
12. Show documentaries/ Slide shows
13. Don't give a boring lecture
14. Hands-on learning
15. State your authority

1 comment:

  1. Explain yourself in the things you listed. For example, how would teachers make a lecture interesting rather than boring? How can teachers state their authority? How can teachers be entertaining? Add details not three word phrases but rather sentences out of all the things you listed to explain what you mean.


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