Friday, November 19, 2010

Cats and Dogs

Cats are smart! Rich! Popular and british!
Dogs are beneath us, I mean cats. Dogs are pesants!

Cats have this thing where they go off into places....

Cats >.>

Dogs are better!!!!

Dooooooooogggggssssss!!!!!!! X333 they're so much more loyal than cats! Obedient because its in their blood. The wolfs descent is within them, thus making the owner the pack leader.

Formal vs Informal

"Alice, why should you dress nice for a formal occasion?"
"Simply, out of respect. Dressing up also presents you in a pleasurable manner well suited for a certain occasion. Not to mention how much judgment goes into presentation. If you wear baggy clothing or anything that stands out, people will think ill of you and will even think you're poor and worse, unintelligent."
"Why so much? Isn't there a way to--"
"Certainly not! Judy, of all people I'd expect this type of manner from someone else, not you. Wearing a suite an dress is traditional, in the norm, and as well as presenting yourself nicely to fit with your surroundings. Need I not repeat myself again."
"Okay...then what about informal."
"Oh, well that's a whole other story."
"Please, explain."
"Dressing informally is you being laid back and casual. Often times people dress casually for less important events, such as a picnic, hanging out with friends, or simply going to the grocery store."
"I see."
"Does that answer your question?"
"Perhaps, but I also want to know what to wear when the occasion is informal and formal."
"Then wear something in between. A nice top and nice bottom."

Thursday, November 18, 2010

All Boys School

            All-girls schools have been gaining popularity in recent years because of the belief that girls learn better when they aren't competing with or intimidated by boys, who statistically get more attention in the classroom. Do you think single-sex schools are a good idea? Why or Why not?
            Aren't we all sick of it? The drop outs, fights, sex, lack of focus, lost of interesting school, and behavioral problems custodians complain about. We already have boys schools, and similar to girls schools, guys may focus more and be less distracted by the opposite sex. I say yes to an all-boys school. It may give boys the time they need to actually worry about themselves and get serious about their learning.
            The advantage is tremendous, the in which boys who do go to an all-boy school is greater compared to those who do not. It keeps them focused because mainly it is their hormones that are not yet tamed, and they mature slower than girls. Being surrounded by the same sex will turn boys off and keep them focused on understanding concepts and keeping their grades up. Not to mention, they will have time to focus on their career, rather than worry about their girlfriends needs all the time. Most boys reject all-buys school because they fear being surrounded by homosexuals. Heavens no, boys! You will not turn gay, you have to be born that way.      
            Boys have a higher drop-out rate than girls because they fall behind in their grades and soon lose interest in the school. However, if we send a potential drop out to an all-boys school, things will turn out well. Take our imaginary friend Andy, for example. His dropout rate would not be as high if he was surrounded by the similar sex, therefore he would feel some sort of connection and will feel comfortable around them—sort of like family. Additionally, by surrounding himself with different boys he could learn a thing or two from them.
            An all-boys school may have more to offer, than an ordinary school. Since, all of its programs are direct towards young men, boys will have a variety of  interest they can partake in. Usually in ordinary schools, boys feel pressured to involve themselves in masculine activities because of the presence of the opposite sex. As a result, boys would not feel ashamed of doing what they please. Also, boys can learn at their own pace because their brains develop slower than girls; they will not feel the need to speed up since they're surrounded by boys of the same development capacity.
            Ultimately, I feel that an all-boys school is a smashing idea. It has much to offer to the young men and will even help them grow mentally and emotionally. Also, it will take a load of their backs from all the pressure of having to act according to their sex. States should have more same sex schools, that way America will produce a new generation of profound individuals.


            Since the cloning of the sheep Dolly, there has been much debate over whether or not humans beings should be cloned. Many people feel this is a violation of the natural order of things and that all research in the area of human cloning should be banned. Others feel that this is a natural progression of science and human evolution and that research in the area of human cloning should be priority. How do you feel about this issue?
            Remember how cloning was on TV, and kids would think how cool it'd be to clone themselves and be at two places at the same time?  Well, human cloning doesn’t clone a person entirely; rather it clones different parts of the human body.  Researchers talk about benefits of cloning one part of your body to atone for a failing organ. Yes, it seems like a miracle to finally have the ultimate cure—but do not be fooled. Human cloning is indeed a violation of the natural order, and with people living longer resources will become scarce. It's best if we continue on with the natural process, that way less complications will occur.
            Keep in mind that the world's human population is growing, and the environment has the potential of providing less, much needed resources for survival. Cloning may allowing humans to live much longer and the added births will soon be overwhelming. Let's face the facts: naturally, people die  and the reason is so that the earth will not be overcrowded. Besides, we have medicine and all people need to do is make it cure rather than sooth away the symptoms.
            Indeed, it is nice to have a duplicate of a failing organ, but what really caused it to fail? Could it be our environment, which we pollute everyday with toxic gasses? Gang violence, in which we kill each other just because? Doing ridiculous things that are deadly, but pass for accidents? Human related events can and should be avoided, that way people would not need a duplication in the first place. Most of the violence and killings are caused by humans. Strictly speaking, people are drowning themselves in their own messes. 
            Human cloning could also have bad side effects. Even though researchers' have presented the benefits there still may be a mishap or two that we do not know about. So, we cannot put our trust completely in cloning as of yet because even researchers don’t know the side effects if cloning was applied to humans. So, it's best to stay on our toes and not buy in so easily to human cloning. Besides, everything has its ups and downs.
            Overall, I believe in the natural process of human development. The world doesn’t need cloned organs as of now—not in this growing human population. Researchers should stick to solving the greenhouse and obesity problem that hurts our nation today. They should focus on the problems we have now, and worry less about potential problems.
Turkey slices

bell peepers


Spicy and sweets foods

Spicy foods make my nose run and my eyes watery. They just trigger this hot, burning sensation in my mouth. Sometimes I feel like my mouth is on fire. Often times, water helps, but some spicy foods over power the effects of water, and I turn to milk for help. Though, usually I just take an ice cube and let it melt in my mouth. Its just a things I do in case all else fails.

Sweet foods leave a comforting taste in my mouth. Especially all the sugar that gets me hyper, but that's another story. Sweets can be addicting and hard to stay away from. Though its good to you, its not good for you.

Describe how whether effects your mood

"Alice, what whether effects your mood?"
"Cloudy days, and rain."
"Oh, how?"
"Because when it is gray and cloudy, I become tired. It may seem that I am depressed, but I'm rather drowsy loose energy. All living things get their energy from the sun and food. Half my energy comes from the sun, so without it--I'm a walking zombie."
"What about rain? What happens then?"
"I become slower. For some reason I feel the need to be slower, and just enjoy tiny moments without rushing. When it rains it, it feels like I'm in another dimension and also feel the need to keep to myself and think. It seems that when it rains, that's my thinking day(s)."
" must have a lot to go through on those weathers. Its sucks to be you."
"Its not a lot. Mild actually. Nothing drastic or out of the ordinary."
"Whatever. So, you're saying all of this can be avoided somehow?"

The Queen

 The Queen! How old and wrinkly she's become--used up and frail. Tradition still runs in her heart and her old gray hairs are silver and bright. Her body sways to the left, then to the right. Often times I believe she may fall from her debilitated bones that no longer support her. Skin and bones, with little flesh still left over to pass her as human. Her voice is shaky and weary, cracking at every word she speaks. All that Shields her fourteen year old self. Throwing back the morals and reveling a more rebellious typical girl. Her demeanour knows no bounds as to why she speaks in a newly defined voice. The brat within her comes through an loosens up her wrinkle smile into something sinister. Four, five? I cannot count. Her age varies from one to ten. Her stature is no longer her priority, rather it is her livelihood she prospers.

Tuesday, November 16, 2010

Public school and Homeschool

Public school is when you get out of the house. Home school is when you stay inside.......I'm kidding.
Public schools is where kids associate and learn inside classrooms with a rigorous curriculum. Home schooling is having no outside contact with kids, but still follow the a-g courses. It may be frowned upon to have homeschooling because parents want their children to interact with others and not have behavioral problems later on. Other parents may think otherwise, and may see an advantage of teaching their child at home.

Understanding and Knowledge

That  is when you process the information given and put it in your own terms, all the while keeping the main idea at hand.

Thats when the information is at hand and you can use it to your benefits. Information has been stored and ready to be used as your knowledge.

A guy named Yaoi

"Alice. Who is yaoi?"
"Oh....just a friend."
"Really? Whats so interesting about him?"
"He knows how to entertain very well. Even my friends like him. He's amazing in be--Beverly Hills. He's a star. An actor. A singer. A businessman. A dancer--a host if you will. He'll be anything you make of people terms not story."
"Okay. So he just entertains you?"
"Not only that! But I envy him as well. I wish I was just like him. My life will be full of adventure and the anti-ga--ant-Gayler's will be far behind me."
"I see....and that is what you wish for?"
"What? I told you that I envied him."
"Why is it a guy? What cant it be a girl?"
"Well, Judy, its complicated. Besides, the name yaoi doesn't seem fit for a girl anyways."
"Oh, how true."

Monday, November 15, 2010

Teacher effects

"Alice, who was the most effective teacher you ever had?"
"Hmm....everything I've up to this point has been self motivation. Really, no one has been much of an effect, but rather informative. I'd say some teachers are more informative than the others."
"And whys that?"
"because, Judy. Some want us to know whats really going on, rather than have us ignorant as we go out into the world and make decisions that could affect them as well as us."
"Why do you think they care so much?"
"Can really answer that. You have to ask them yourself."
"But what if I cant?"
"Then think about it for a while and then formulate an answer. Things usually come if you give it time."
"I see...and is that how you progressed over the years?"
"Perhaps yes, but mainly because I was fixated on monetary things. So, I just wanted to live a nicer life for once. I'm tired of always having to be thoughtful of what I buy, and save ALL the time. I just want to be filthy rich. And with the right education I'll making millions, and more to come."
"Then why no open up your own business?"
"That's a thought."
"Then try that thought."
"Judy, as you grow up, things are a lot easier than you'd imagine. Just do the right thing or know who to play the game of life."
"Oh, you mean like the board game?"
"No, fool. I mean actual life.

Less sleep

"Alice, why am I tired?"
"because your sleepy...."
"But will I have any effects?"
"Your reactions will be slower and you wont focus as you should during the day."
"Alice! Why so much silence!?"
"Okay, I get it."
"You see....thats what you were doing."


"Alice, what is Avatar about?"
"Indigenous people and foreigners."
"Can you be more specific?"
"I can try, but it will only get me so far..."
"okay, shoot."
"The movie is quite symbolic. The way the portray the avatar people, and how these foreigners forcefully take their land because the tree they worship is implanted on a pile of diamonds. At the end, the avatar people gather hope and take out these invaders. I suppose you can say its like the Indian v. the British...but less gruesome."
"I see...any moral lessons?"
"Never still from a native."
"Come on. I'm serious. Any sad parts?"
"Lots! The people were good actors. Especially that main Avatar girl. Forgot her name. It think it was nifarti or something....?"
"That's nice, but...any details I should know about?"
"Yes, but you should  it instead."

Tuesday, November 9, 2010

Pesonal essay: Cuddlebugs

                   Do not judge me! I cannot control my demented habits of pursing a fake online game relationship. It is something that has allured me due to its unexpected events and hysterical twist that I create to humor myself, all the while pretending to care about the feelings my mate holds for me. In spite of that, I had the audacity to envision something out of the fraudulent, meaningless relationships; a man two years older than I with desirable features and a ripe, yet jejune personality. I was obsessed with the idea. I indulged in it. I mused about it. I even anticipated it. Every online male player who asked me out, I imagined a majestic, welcoming face that is far out of this world.
            These online game relationships started when I was bored by the urgent need to level up and become a level 100; I wanted to leave behind my former noob (term used to call lower levels) self and branch into the world of great warriors, the much better off online players. My online friend, Rice668, was indeed my unforgettable role model, but his success' just wasn’t enough to tame my growing boredom—I needed a reason to play again. I decided to leave Runescape ( the online game) in abeyance for a while, and take a break from the game that left me hallow and mind numbing. So that when I return, I am refueled and ready to play again.
            I am undeniably a person who enjoys a good laugh, and I would go to certain lengths to get it; even it means me making a fool of  myself. Intrinsically, I am abysmally ashamed of that part of me. I wish I rejected laughing, that way I won't do stupid things to the point where I turn my character into a guy and act affectionate towards another male player. In truth, that has happened before. I was cruel enough to laugh at the player's confusion—he actually believed that he was gay. Kingaxil, was it? I'm not sure of his fake username anymore, it's been a while. Nevertheless, I enjoy a good laugh.
            I returned to Runescape, thinking that I had the avidity to once more train my character to level up, but I was horribly wrong. I have gone out with a player for two hours, then broke up with him. I pretended that I was being abused and ran to a random player for reassurance; we ended up going out, but before I dumped him, I made sure to mess with his mind. I bothered players online and got into fights. I'd randomly talk to a person in my friends list and bother him or her and, occasionally, beguile them with pseudo scenarios that appeared real to them. Yes, I know: I'm insane. But, that’s only when my identity is concealed by a computer screen and I have a pixel character representing me. Only then do I let my creativity and my what happens if I do this thoughts run wild. Though, there was a particular relationship that stood out from the others, my online relationship with Cuddlebugs.
            As all my other past lovers they adequately lived up to my expectations. Thus, I figured, he was the same way. I originally knew him merely as a noob; one who would have no hope in ever achieving a higher level. Once we met, we talked. A flame was lit, but not enough for me to actually heed his existence. I was fishing once, off the shores of Karamja island, and he messaged me. He asked me what I was doing. I replied with fishing—nothing else. He continued to message. Deep down I did not want to talk to him, at all. I wanted to fish and raise my fishing level. But he seemed a nice enough person to chat with and not for me to say "shut the hell up." The irksome colloquy persevered. Eventually he stated an engaging  question: Do you have a boyfriend? I immediately felt awkward,  and thought about discouraging him from any thoughts he deemed possible. However, my curiosity struck me. I pondered the possibilities of what will come by replying no, and the same time pondered the results of the answer I don't like you.
            I foolishly typed no, then snickered to myself as another fool impulsively walks into my cold-hearted trap of what he assumed was honest affection and right away began to gather an image of his face. He asked if I would like to go out with him and I typed like there was no tomorrow. Yes, yes, yes! All I could say was yes. My boredom, the evil trigger controlling my absurdness, guided me on my meaningless journey. A week into the relationship and, to me, it was already falling apart. He was childish. Our conversations were boring. He had little to no sense of humor. All we've done was dance in circles as he starting saying his childish remarks "I love you more…no, I love you more." I had to get away from him—he was so ridiculous. So, as I've done in all my other relationships, I abandon him. Unfortunately, I couldn't because every time I would flee he would look for me. And what's worst he was ten! He told me that he was sixteen or seventeen, instead he (as I saw him) was a whinny, brat looking for unrequited love.
            From that point on I never talked to him again. I was shocked that he was younger than I. It caused me to feel weird inside, as if I was violating some sort of norm. He was nothing how I wanted him to be. I say he was a work in progress! My disappointments, led me to cease my online game relationships. I assumed every player, now, is a ten year old. On rare opportunities, I  befriend a sixteen year old or fourteen year old. As I ruminate my situation, I comprehend that I too am at fault. My malfeasances were the cause of my misfortune and from that day on, I vowed to never do online dating again.

Memoir: Typical Kid

                        Two weeks back,  sit in the beginning of school, I was in my college class: psychology.  When I walked in, I ignore everyone. I made little eye contact. I  did not acknowledge their presence.  I only spoke to some students in my classroom. That day, I was focused on learning and nothing else.  When the rest of the class flooded in, I saw how tired they looked.  Well, psychology is a morning class. "Is anyone sitting here?" asked a tall, male student.  I replied no, and shifted my books and I to the opposite side.  I wasn’t too fond of someone sitting beside me—I wanted to be the smart loner in the class that day, but oh well.
            The class started as usual, sign in and take notes from the lecture. When the student next to me began reaching for his belongings and realized he had no supplies, I muttered "Of course." The student turned to me with a blank face, then turned back.  "Can I borrow some paper?"  he asked.  I moved slowly. I wanted to show him how tiring it is to me that students are asking for supplies—I knew he wasn’t poor, he had an iPod after all. I gave him one sheet, then let him be for the rest of the period. My college teacher picked on random people for answers, and when she picked on the student next to me, he replied with a short answer.  My teacher thought it'd be beneficial  if everyone pairs up and works on understanding an assignment.
            "You just read, I'll do it. I'll let you copy afterwards." I told the student. He gave me a strange look. "No," he said firmly. " I'll do one question, you do the other. Then we'll collaborate together." I was sort of shocked, but I concord. As he wrote, I noticed how well his handwriting was, once again I was amazed. When the time came to exchange papers, his answers were lengthy and logical. Then, once he looked over mines he nodded, then turned to me. "So, what's your thoughts on why people have this disease at a certain age?" he asked. I gave him my answer, then he gave me his. He brought up interesting facts, and a highly plausible argument.  I felt a bit inferior to his answer, but I also added in my two cents. He smiled at some of my comments. "This may seem irrelevant," he began, " but at first I thought you didn’t like me. Like you thought I was typical…?" I truthfully responded to him, and hoped that I didn’t hurt his feelings.
            "Its cool. I only forgot my paper because I was rushing. Plus, I was tired. So I don’t like speaking  in the morning. That’s just me I guess," he explained. I told him that I was sorry, but he paid no attention to it, instead he laughed. I laughed with him, and we continued working. This time I let him pick the questions he wanted to answer, then I chose the left over's.  At the end of class, he waved to me. " My names Darrion by the way!" he shouted. I waved back, and shouted my name as everyone walked around me.

SHINee Hello

"I've never seen SHINee's new Hello music video. Describe it."
"Okay! Its starts off introducing the five members. Taemin is in his room, Key ontop of a staircase, Onew hiding behind the wall, Jounghyun sitting on a porch, and Minho in a car."
"What does that have to do with the song?"
"I'm getting to it."
"The music beginnings, and they start dancing. Jounghyun is the first to sing, then onew, then Taemin with his dramatic arm gestures. Then Key starts singing. The chorus starts. After the chorus, Minho sings, then I melt. I mean, then jounhyun sings, then--"
"Wait, how about you tell me with the song is about."
"Its about them getting to know a girl."
"They dance too?"
"Yes, they dance."
"I had no idea..."

Teenage fad

Q. How do you thing Leggings developed?
A. -They developed because everyone else was wearing them
-Everyone says its cool, and its the new look
-Everyone follows
Q. Bored of them?
Yes, and no. Certain ones are boring, others are interesting.
Q. Does that mean they're still in?
A. Yes.
Q. Do you have a pair?
A. Only two. I wear eloquent clothing when I'm in higher places. At school, I just show people the normal.
Q. I see. So you are picky at who see's you nicely and who doesn't?
A. Exactly.
Q. Are you picky with people as well?
A. Indeed.

People and Animals

"Alice, what kind of relationships do people have with animals?"
"A strong relationship."
"Yes, but what kind?"
"A loving relationship, where the owner depends on the dog for comfort and vice versa. There are other relationships with different animals. Such as human and koala, human and bird, human and alligator--"
"Human and alligator?"
"There are so many of us; one of us is bound to have that sort of relationship."
"Though, the people have what ....? They do...?"
"Oh! Well take a dog and girl for instance. The girl may be the outdoor type and may have an athletic relationship with her dog. Or a guy with cat. They may have a hate-love relationship or have a boring relationship."
"Why is it that O.o"
"Have you every heard of personality? People do things differently."
"As I was saying, people may have a feed-and-go relationship. Its when they feed the pet or animals then just leave them be till the next feeding period. In animals homes or whatever you call them, people interact and have a loving relationship with animals. They even develop friendships. Like human and Lion, the lion tackles them whenever he see's his human friends and is happy to see them. Some people take things a bit overboard, people have fifty to sixty pets in one house. I call that obsession. They love their pets more than their grandchildren or kids."
"I see..."

Monday, November 8, 2010


"The most delicious, decadent dessert is a chocolaty, moist red velvet cake smothered in Philadelphia cream cheese. The sugar in the cream will take out the tanginess of the raw dairy."
"It will be doubled. The filling will be a vanilla, icing cream.  The tops with be covered in cream cheese. The cake will be a modest size and with have sugar sprinkles on top."
"So how would--"
"Not to mention the creamy strawberry and vanilla milk shake. Covered with whipped cream."
"Then that would--"
"Then that would open the world to my--"
"Let me finish! Then that would mean that you also like ice-cream?"
"Indeed, chocolate ice-cream."
"Oh my gosh! You like chocolate too?"
"Yeah, you lie rocky rode?"
"With the walnuts or pecans, but not the marshmallow."
"Yeah, same here."

Life without cellphones

" without cellphones?"
"Life without cellphones is life without computers. We use cellphones to do almost everything now, besides browsing the internet. We use it to store data, make important on-the-go phone calls, reminders and schedules, use it as a camera, a music player, entertainment for watching videos without being strapped to a chair, check your emails, make emails, send messages--something easier than actual talking, type a paper, anything else society makes of it."
"So, if I didn't have a cellphone. What would be a great alternative?"
"Use a phone."
"But, is there another alternative?"
"Something with phone in it is a phone. I don't see any other alternative other than using a PHONE."
"But, what about emails?"
"Then you would use a computer!"
"Whats with the yelling?"

Foreign Country

"Alice, what country would you like to visit?"
"Seoul, Korea"
"Why there?"
"Because they have my favorite artist there."
" do you find it appealing?"
"I haven't actually been there, but their lifestyle is somewhat similar to the American lifestyle. Plus, they have a lot of rural areas that seem robbed of life."
Judy starred at me for a while.
"I'm kidding. Nothing there appeals to me, as of yet. However, I do like their music."
"Okay, so who are the artist?"
"SHINee, Super Junior, BoA, F(x), MBLAQ, Bi Rain, Big Bang, 2pm, etc."
"Whats so great about them if not their country?"
"Their voices; the passion they put into singing. Their style of R&B is compatible with ours hear, their rock, hip hop, rap, blues, jazz, pop music. They show something that I have never heard before--something fresh."
"So you like their music because its fresh?"
"I see...."
"Why do you keep saying that...?"

Sunday, November 7, 2010

Outdoor living ( Continuation from Randomness from Haqoora).


     Yesterday, I went to my friend Alice house.  As a wolf, it is in my nature to hate cats, but this one wasn’t so bad. She lives in a small apartment in the city. I don’t go there very often because I get annoyed by the noisy humans. They always seem to make a mess of things. When I went to see Alice the cat (as I like to call her), she asked me how was it to live in the wilderness. “Well,” I began. "It’s a lot more relaxing then living here in the city, and a lot more to see too. For starters, you rarely see humans. All you see is nature, beautiful flowers of all kind, other animals to communicate with, there is less polluted air, and just peace and quietness.”
“Without humans, how do you get food?” Alice asked
“Don’t you watch animal planet fool?  We hunt for are food.”
“How can you say that wilderness is better than this. The food is brought to you, and you have a place to go to the restroom,” she said as she looked at her litter box. “Were do you use the restroom at”
“Oh, um… well you usually just go wherever you want I guess.” 
Alice's eyes opens wide again, this time with excitement
“You mean you don’t have to use the litter box? You can just choose any old bush or tree and go?” “Yep.”
My home
Alice jumped off the couch and ran to the door.
 “Were do you think you're going?" I asked.
 “I’m going with you to the wilderness.”
“No you're not!”
"Why?” She cried.
“If you go to the wilderness, I’ll have to eat you.”
 “Why,” she said, this time looking scared.
“If I don’t, I will  ruin my reputation as a wolf.’ I told her.
 After that, she got angry and insisted that she comes with me. I couldn’t refuse. She was a close friend after all. Besides, sometime I want her to see the wilderness—it's beautiful.
"Alright," I said. " You can come with me.
She squealed in delight.
"Oh! First I need to  call the rest of the crew," she said. Alice dashed to the litter box, titled it sideways, and pulled out a piece of paper. She ran to the phone and started dialing numbers.
"This will only take a sec," she told me. "Hello? May I speak to hamster?"
She then dialed another number.
"Yes, may I talk to Dawn the Hedgehog?"
And then another.
"May I speak to Elf?"
She then hung up satisfied.
"I called the rest of our friends to come with us. I want them to see the wilderness too."
I smiled in delight. Things were looking up.
My friends finally came and we all went to my territory. As we walked, I explained to them the dangers of the wilderness and warned them about certain predators'.
"Man, I don’t care about that shit," said Dawn. " I just wanna see what the wilderness looks like.
"Dawn, please. If she didn’t warn you, you'd be eaten," Alice explained.
"Yeah, that is true," added Hamster.

 "As I was saying, " I began. " Do not, and I mean DO NOT, go near the wolf den."
"Why?" asked Elf.
"Because my kind eats—"
"Shut up, foo!"
"Anyways, Dawn. Because my kind eats you guys. "
We finally arrived and I told them to stay here. When the time is right, I will let them in. I walked inside the den and saw my mother preparing for midnights' hunt.
"Mother. I have friends that are not like us. May they join in with the hunt?"
"Are they other wild animals?"
"No. City animals."
"Do I know these city animals? Alice, Elf, Hamster and Dawn, right?"
Dawn the Hedgehog
"Okay, come on."
I went back and waved to them. They came. My friends were a bit nervous. The other wolves were starring them down like prey. However, Dawn was not as timid. She starred right back at them.
"Alright, T. Take your friends and go hunt. Bring something big back."
"Okay," I replied.
We left the wolf den and deeper into the wilderness.

"So far everything looks nice," said Elf. " I like your home."
"Thanks, elf."
"Well, I only like the food the wolfs were eating," said Hamster.
We all laughed at Hamsters' comment, then Alice made a joke and Dawn came in with another. We laughed as we walked, unaware of the potential danger we were in.
Suddenly,  this tall, brown bear stood before us. Roaring with all its might.
"Ahhhhhhh! We're gonna die!" yelled hamster.
"Man, I got this!"
"Yeah, me to Dawn. I think I'll join you," said Alice.
Dawn was glowing yellow. She kind of looked like a super saiyan. And Alice formed into the woman, who called herself Yourichi.
Hamster's two front teeth grew. Something large enough to chomp throw steel. I guess that was her powers. Elf formed into an angry mob of suju fans. I …I don’t know what I did. I'm just awesome. We all attacked the bear with our powers.  The bear died.
"Well, this is our dinner."
"Shut up, T." said Alice
"You heard her," said Hamster.
Dawn and Elf were behind me ready to attack.
"What are you guys doing?"
"What does it look like? You showed us your home, now we're gonna take it," said Elf.
"But WHY?"
"Remember when I called them over? In advance, we worked out a plan that the next time you come we come. And now that we have,  this whole Forrest is my liter box. Elf doesn’t have to worry about people stepping on her. Ham can eat whenever she pleases, and Dawn is finally free from her cage. We were gonna let you join in on our plan, but we knew you were too good to go along with us. So for that, we will slay you," Alice threatened.
"But, You're all my closest friends! What have I done to you to deserve this?!"
"Can it! Dog!" yelled Dawn.

 "Dog?!" I said in shock. Calling a wolf a dog was the ultimate offensive slur.  I turned angry after that.
"You call me a dog when someone like yourself—"
Hamster bit my tail and Dawn sucker-punch me in my stomach. Then elf used her mob powers to finish me.
"Wait," said Alice. "Not so fast. We won't kill her as of yet. She will guide us to where we wanna go, then we kill."
I looked at Alice in disbelief. Hamster, Elf, Dawn—all my friends have just betrayed me!
"Fur ball!" I yelled at Alice. " Fat hamster! Shawols are better than ELF's," I yelled to Elf. "Lame Hedgehog!"
I called them every name in the book, before they forced me to lead.
I had to think of a plan. And I DID! Remember how I was able to come to the city with ease? That’s how I'm gonna get out of here. Just watch me.
"You guys."
"What!" yelled Dawn
"We're going the wrong way. It's this way." I began to change courses, but Elf blocked my path.
"How do we know you're telling the truth?" asked Elf. She and the other were suspicious of my movements.
"Yes, how?" added in Hamster.
"Because. I know deep down you guys don’t mean for this to happen. Just a bit misguided, so I at least want your inner selves to be happ—"
"Don’t give us that crap!" yelled Alice. " Just go the way we told you."
That’s when I made my move. I stored up enough energy to use lightening speed and attack them all in one hit.
Hamster was knocked out. Elf was injured. Alice was dead. Dawn was the only one left standing.
I  didn’t mean to kill Alice, but that’s what happened.
Dawn darted toward me, but I caught her in my mouth and slung her hard against the tree. She was dead
Elf tried to summon more angry fans, but was too injured to do so, and I finished her off.
Hamster began to waken, but I quickly snapped her neck with my teeth.
I was more shocked, than I was ashamed.
I tugged the bear back to the pack, and silently bid my goodbyes to my friends.

Prompt Five: What's on America's Dinner Plate?

            According to some health organizations, many foods on our grocery store shelves are made with genetically modified ingredients. Most of these foods, however, do not have GMO ( genetically modified organism) Label. Do you think there should be a law requiring manufacturers to label foods containing GMOs?

            Have you decided the day that you will start eating genetically mutated foods?  I think not. As a democracy, we Americans have always been endowed with the oh-so-sweet privilege to vote. For instance, we decide what gets passed, who stays in office, who shall reign as our next President and so forth.  Yet, a thought still in question is why does our government conceal such important information?  This, by all means, will not be a lecture on government, but rather a discourse on why genetically modified foods have slipped pass our notice and on to our dinner plates. I feel the need for labels on the GMO foods in grocery stores or anywhere else sold in order to alert people of what they take into their bodies. Seems fair, doesn't? It is already bad enough that the American public, including myself, are not eating what mother Earth made us.
            Clearly, a genetically modified organism (GMO) is a good that has been injected with genes of another life form or the same to give it the characteristics that it does not naturally have. In other words, the normal growth process has kicked the bucket and been replaced with a much quicker method to make the farmers more sales. Hurray on the farmers behalf because its plausible that they section off a slice of their perfectly good soil for their own creation of food. However, boohoo on ours. We're stuck eating the "poison" while corporations, such as Monsanto, makes millions off of our naïveté in the grocery store. Somewhere the line must be drawn.
            Grocery stores should label their goods that are GMOs. Actually, scratch that—they must label their foods.  Situations with hidden ingredients have happened before. Lead in Mexican candy was left unknown to the public, but was later brought to light because of complaints of lead poisoning. It will be an exemplary asset so that people are not pondering why they have allergic reactions, degenerative diseases, and bacterial illness after eating a tomato.  "Well I think GMOs, like all other foods, should be labeled. As consumers should know what they're buying and how it could possibly effect them…I think consumers should have a choice. It should be adequately labeled—just like everything else it labeled ( Wallace, Dwight. Personal Interview. 4 Oct. 2010)."
            I presume it will only make GMO's tolerable if shoppers are willing to buy products that are labeled according to their making. That is, not every shopper possesses information of how farmers cultivate the crops, and if they did, it is highly probable that they will continue to shop despite the potential health effects.  In a way, it's almost like we're being forced to eat genetically modified foods. So I can only infer that foods labeled organic are organic and those that are not are GMO's. Well, if that’s the case, why not blatantly brand a store good as a genetically modified organism. Perhaps if companies do label their foods, they will dread the day faithful shoppers stop investing in their produce, but that it is far-fetched.
            In other words, grocery food products should be labeled for the benefit of the masses. Moreover, it is impartial that the public is at best apprised with the health facts that can salvage people with sensitive bodies from eating the wrong thing.  People are already annoyed about big corporations' and government misleading them to keep the mass from learning about "classified" knowledge. And to make matters worse, the hoax is accompanied with fabrications. Overall, in my opinion, properly labeling GMO's will show shoppers a sense of respect.

Friday, November 5, 2010


Step 1:
Get the cost

Step 2:
Tell everyone good bye.

Step 3: Leave.

Step 4:  Go back and realize you have forgotten something

step 5: Tell your parents to bring you your paper work

Step 6: You're late for your flight

Step 7: You are rejected.

Friends Birthday

"Alice. Lets say Kimberly, Cherise, Jenny, Stanford, Evelyn, T-san, and Giavanna all have their birthdays on the same day. How would you celebrate it."
"Actually, I wont have enough money for either of them. So, my fantasy gift would be to create a five story house in an isolated area, surrounded by trees and fresh air. Parts of the house will have different things for each person. Kimberly is engulfed in Bleach, so I'd have a bleach theme and bring all the animated characters to life and chill with her. Next, Cherise is more of the ordinary birthday party person with a spice of life in it. So, I'd have a part for her copying her favorite place in the world. A place that is interactive, meaning things come to life. Jenny likes a band called suju, so I'll have a super junior concert in her room, along with back stage passes. Same thing with T-san. Also, I would add SHINee in the concert as well. The members of both bands will do anything T and Jenny as them to. Stanford will be booked with Cherise. They both have that low-down kind of party. Giavanna will have a fun birthday party. With lots of Jokes! Music! Movies and animated characters coming to life. Evelyn will have an arashi band. It will be similar to Jenny and T's."
" Wow, that is a lot."
"What about  me?"
"You'd have a question party. Where you can ask all the questions you want."


"Alice, why do you want to live in B.C.?"
"Less restarted crap happens there. Then, everything was practical."
"I see, but is that your only reason?"
"Also...well, yes. I just want to get away from crazy people."
"Oh, come now.  What will you do in B.C.?"
"Hunt. Start a village. Be a nomad."
"I see, so you want like harder for you than it is now?"
"I don't see how the life then adds up to life now."
"Please, you don't have the machinery to do bigger things!"
"...I don't think machinery was even heard of then..."
"Ha! See!"
"Judy, I meant no one is focused on eventing machinery. People are living in a time where they do things there way, and other time periods do thing there way. Its all about being realistic."
"Oh, but still. It would be hard to live right?"
"No, rather normal I'd say. What you may consider 'hard' will just be the normal way of life then."
"Yes, but--"

Thursday, November 4, 2010

Discuss reasons for appreciating your parents

"Alice, do you appreciate your parents?"
"Yes. They support me, clothe me, feed me and protect me."
"Well, what else?"
"They are the only ones who will show me love when I feel the world is against me. They wont treat me as an outcast because I know they care and I know I have their support."
"That's crap."
"It is not."
"What do you appreciate?"
"I appreciate their vehemence to guide me and my brother on the right path. Setting us straight and with a head start! They work hard for our well being and we even have great times too."
"I see. The choice of words means you care a lot."
"Of course."
"Then do you also appreciate the strict rules?"
"How can I not? I'm much more organized that way. My mindset is focused."
"But, what if they reduce television time?"
"That's great. I can read a newspaper. Learn about whats happening in the world or I can go out and play--stay active."
"But, Alice! Seriously?"
"Sorry, Judy. But you're five and I'm 17. There is a HUGE maturity gap there."
"This is utter bull crap!"
"This is why parents set restrictions on t.v."
"Well! I was bound to say that anyways."
"Well, hope it doesn't slip out of your mouth in the presence of a higher figure."
"Like who!"
"Oh...I don't know. Maybe people who judge CHARACTER, intelligence, and appearance."

Foreign People

"Alice, what questions would you ask a foreigner?"
"What country you came from."
"Yes, but in detail."
"What city and country you live...?"
"When you were born. Favorite hobbies. Y'now, the usual."
"Okay, but what ELSE?"
"Oh! Ask him how he feels about his country and discuss his reasons for coming here."
"Okay, good start. But we can do better. How about asking how he felt about his country?"
"Oh, yes."
"I'll ask him how he felt about his country."
"You repeated what I just said!"
"Well...what do you want me to say?"
"Something original."
"Okay, how about: What do you like most about your country?"
"Good! Next, reasons!"
"I already stated that."

Ask old people

"Alice, to preserve family history. What sort of questions would you ask?"
"Who was my  great, great grandmother?"
"I don't know! Besides why are you asking me?"
"Exactly. That's the type of question I'd ask to one of my older relatives."
"I see, and what else?"
"Well...Lets see. I would ask them what background my great, great grandmother originated from. Then, I'd ask the same thing about my great, great grandfather."
"Oh! What if they don't tell you?"
"Well, I shouldn't worry about that. After all I am family, and if they didn't tell me. They probably don't know themselves."
"What else would you ask?"
"I'd ask about my great, great, great grandparents and ask where they had come from."
"Its all about grandparents, huh?"
"Yes because they are like the core of the apple. The roots of the tree."
"Very well. What about uncles and aunts?"
"Of course! I would ask who's my cousin on your side of the family and who were his or her parents. And uncles!"
"My...what else?"
"I'd note down the key people and make a chart."
"This is boring. Stop  talking."

Wednesday, November 3, 2010

Vote on my Poll!!!! It only takes 1 sec!

Choose the right college

1.Choose your college

2. Check the requirements and Majors

 3. Take a tour

4. Talk to the people who have gone or are going about how they like it there

Follow those steps and you'll be sure on choosing the right college. If there is anything else that you ( the human) would like to add, please do. It will make your decision much easier. By the way, if you cant chose the best thing, go to the right one.

I know....ending makes no sense >.>

Master Plan

"Alice! We need a plan to make our community better!"
"What do you mean we?"
"I'm serious!"
"First things first, get everyone on the same page."
"If they're not?"
"Get rid of them."
"Come on! You know that cant happen."
"Never say cant. Besides, hire someone willing enough to--"
"Alice! I'm serious"
"Alright. Compromise."
"Whats that?"
"Have a covenant."
"whats that?"
"Come to a agreement."
"Oh, then what?"
"Raise the money needed to build life changing facilities. Kick the bucket to gangs and create a family. Next, dazzle up the place. Make it look like you have something to honor and protect."
"I see..."

Describe a typical day of your life

The typical day of my going to school, doing homework, completing chores, and putting on a pleasant face for the crowd. Nothing anomaly, just ordain. Day after Day, I wake up and get ready. Go to school and have a chat. Attend class and engage. Catch the bus and walk home. Then, my day is full of typical mess. And I--
"Alice...just answer the question."
"Judy, I AM!"
"Okay, continue."
"And I take the only brake I feel I deserve, then begin work. Time always runs away from me--never getting the last bit of the day in.  It sucks to start it all over again."
"But, don't grown-ups do that?"
"They must. Its more of a habit, then a will. People stick to what they know, not what they think they know."
"And how are you so sure...?"
"Society has always been like that. Its only until then that we are entertained by the different things we do every now and then. Makes it seem that we have something to offer like the cynical politicians."
"I know, Judy. I ponder that same question..."