Monday, November 15, 2010

Teacher effects

"Alice, who was the most effective teacher you ever had?"
"Hmm....everything I've up to this point has been self motivation. Really, no one has been much of an effect, but rather informative. I'd say some teachers are more informative than the others."
"And whys that?"
"because, Judy. Some want us to know whats really going on, rather than have us ignorant as we go out into the world and make decisions that could affect them as well as us."
"Why do you think they care so much?"
"Can really answer that. You have to ask them yourself."
"But what if I cant?"
"Then think about it for a while and then formulate an answer. Things usually come if you give it time."
"I see...and is that how you progressed over the years?"
"Perhaps yes, but mainly because I was fixated on monetary things. So, I just wanted to live a nicer life for once. I'm tired of always having to be thoughtful of what I buy, and save ALL the time. I just want to be filthy rich. And with the right education I'll making millions, and more to come."
"Then why no open up your own business?"
"That's a thought."
"Then try that thought."
"Judy, as you grow up, things are a lot easier than you'd imagine. Just do the right thing or know who to play the game of life."
"Oh, you mean like the board game?"
"No, fool. I mean actual life.

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