Tuesday, September 14, 2010

My Journey on the Pirate Ship

My friends and I were after the treasure...One Piece! Kidding... It was a normal pirate ship adventure--hell, I wouldn't even call it normal. My captain is retarded! In the worse of situations, the best he could do is make battle plans that do NOT work. Almost every time we come into contact with another crew, we loose half of ours. Yeah, I'm kidding about that too. I'm really a prisoner. I know, I know. I called that lousy man my captain, but just for the hell of it though. Fortunate for me, I've only been held captive for one day. And, for the most part, received descent food rations. However, I was right about the captain of this ship. How dumb of him to leave me isolated with windows and an escape route. Though, since I am acknowledging his motives, I choose not to leave. I patiently wait for what he'll do next. It seems his foolishness is entertaining me.
Suddenly the door opened, causing me to loose my train of thought. " The captain will like to see you."
"What...? Is he going to behead me now?" I teased. 
The man gave me a sideways glare.


  1. lol i agree with creative.minds. only. entirely!!! dude, what happens next! Tell me! Tell me! But the stupid or foolish part is that you didn't escape when you had the chance. Instead you ponder about the captain's stupidity. Think Alice! Think! :) :D


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