Sunday, September 19, 2010

Describe your Deepest Fear

Fear can never have a meaning. I rather it be a phrase that is tied to ambiguous thoughts; However, I do not know what I fear--yet. Possibly, I fear what I do not know. What the future holds is unpredictable, there is no telling what will happen, but usually I am a fan of change. Only thing, I am not sure how it will affect me. I say planning for the future is an apocryphal(1) statement due to the unexpected outcomes that comes with it.
Ever heard of living in the moment? Something you enjoy as it happens. Yes, but it has been some time since I have enjoyed any "moment." I fear that I will suddenly collapse in the mush of my own amusement or perhaps die from an overload of work. I do fear my parents death. Though, not the natural death. I fear events that will cause their death. Seeming how things are, I patiently wait for their end to come. Not that I want it, but since death is inevitable, I might as well go along with life. In conclusion, I fear the unexpected. Not knowing what will happen--thank goodness for a fortune teller--will only make me cringe. But if the outcomes are obvious only someone oblivious should have something to fear. 

(1) apocryphal:
false; spurious

1 comment:

  1. Lmao so you fear yourself cat... the unexpected always occurs with a being such as yourself ^o^


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