Thursday, December 2, 2010

The Fantastic Four: Smaller Families (Prompt 8)

            A few decades ago, many families had half a dozen or more children. Nowadays, more and more families are choosing to have only one or two children. Are smaller families better than larger ones?

            Attention all parents! With fewer children you will not have to worry about them running up the electricity bill—great isn’t it? And kids, you’ll get more things and extra attention—beats having to deal with seven perturbing brothers and sisters. Well, let’s be realistic. In the times we live in now it seems things are getting better, but it's not—the economy is falling. So with a smaller family, the living expenses won’t be as high as family of twelve; smaller families tend to have more leeway, and their lifestyle seems less hectic, rather than having to keep up with all twelve people!
            Smaller families  perpetually tend to have more leeway  than bigger ones.  That is to say, a smaller family size won't put such a strain on themselves financially—such as paying for college intuition, school supplies, wanted items ( i.e. iPad, iPhone, Linen Boots, etc) and heeding to their cardinal needs.  Their  spending budgets will be smaller. Versus a bigger family, they would have to pay college fees for each child and the money will start to pile up. What parent would want that?
            As a bonus for the kids they will get extra attention and receive more stuff. Think about it. Let's say there is a family with three  older children, five adolescences, and four toddlers. The parent(s) of that family will have to cater to them emotionally and trust me, it is tiring and some siblings will get jealous that their not receive as much attention as the other. However, parents won't enervate themselves trying to give equal attention to two to three kids—less mental problems will ensue, such as depression, cutting themselves, eating disorders, etc.  Moreover, the brothers and sisters will be able to know each other extremely well.
            People say that when having a bigger family, they'll have more personalities to play off of. For example, Rodney has an older brother who is a doctor and an older sister, Simone, who is a singer. Rodney could piggy back off of one of those professions and see what fits him best. Okay, so what is the difference between a child from a smaller family doing the same thing?  He or she could just as easily get help or guidance from anyone they know on their journey of self-identity.
            In the end, I prefer smaller families over bigger families. Because when having a family it's not just yourself that you support. Also, you will have to balance the money, give love and care to your offspring, and be a responsible adult. Worrying about less people won't put much of a strain on a parent and ruin their desired lifestyle

1 comment:

  1. I come from a family with 5 children. Sometimes it's beneficial to have older and younger siblings as one can get a clearer picture of how life is ordered. But then again, as you pen, smaller can be better also. I love coming to your blog as you always have some interesting and engaging perspectives to share. Thank you for your wonderful efforts.


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